[Cover Image] OFFICERS The next session will be held with St. Luke's M. B. Church, Morehead City, N. C., October 16th, 1924, Rev. S. H. Barrow, Pastor. MINUTES Stonewall, N. C., Oct. 18th, 1923. In obedience to the constitution governing the New Bern E. M. Baptist Association of North Carolina, the association convened in Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, Stonewall, N. C., October 18th, 1923, at 10 A. M., Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding, Rev. Dr. R. R. Cartwright, Pastor in charge. The following officers were present:—Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator; S. F. Faison, Secretary; H. H. Pender, Assistant, W. F. Bell, Treasurer, and Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn, Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings, Rev. J. H. Crow, Father H. Jenkins and Rev. S. L. Mann. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. A. F. Midgett and Rev. C. C. Cotton. Rev. Midgett read 11th chapter of Hebrews. Prayer was offiered by Dr. Wynn. Second hymn No. 356, after which the Moderator gave a lecture on Graft and Condition of the Association Fields the Past Year. He closed his lecture and allowed 30 minutes to be spent in ascending praises to God for having spared us to meet in another annual body. Bro. S. W. Sanders lined hymn “And are we yet alive,” etc. Bro. H. H. Pender, Rev. T. M. Gaskill, Bro. C. W. Williams, Rev. N. H. Hargett, Dr. M. W. Wynn, Bro. Daniel Carmer, Rev. Peter Bragg, Bro. C. W. Moore, Rev. Grant Moye. Closed by Bro. Hosea Davis, all of whom thanked God for the noble blessings that had been poured out upon them for the past year. The Moderator arose and declared the association open for business. The Moderator announced the Introductory Sermon in order to be delivered by Rev. R. Gaskins. A letter was presented and read from Rev. Gaskins requesting the association apology on account of ill health. Rev. T. M. Gaskill by request ascended the stand, assisted by Rev. Grant Moye, who lined hymn “Amazing Grace,” etc. After which the Moderator arose and explained the condition of Rev. R. Gaskins, and then introduced Rev. T. M. Gaskill to deliver the Introductory Sermon. Rev. Gaskill arose, text 4th chapter Acts of the Apostles, words “In the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk.” The sermon was of spiritual power. Rev. S. L. Mann sang “Will the circle be unbroken.” The Moderator arose and commented upon such a noble sermon. The pass word was selected by Rev. Gaskill, words “The Name of Jesus.” The enrollment of delegates and ministers, the amount of enrollment fees was $102 50, public collection $2.10. Benediction by J. P. Moore. FIRST DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION The association reconvened at 2:50 with Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Devotional exercises conducted by Revs. S. L. Mann and Peter Bragg. 1st hymn No. 65 lined by Rev. Mann. Prayer by Rev. Bragg. Reading the 1st division of Psalms. 2nd hymn No. 387. Bro. H. A. Abney prayed. “I will live on” by Rev. Mann. The Moderator arose and gave a lecture and declared the association open for business. Minutes of the forenoon session were read and approved. Roll of delegates and ministers was called. Appointment of committees was in order and the same were appointed as follows: Finance Committee—Bros. M. M. Wiggins, Henry Hardy, C. L. Credle, G. C. Moore, H. A. Abney, D. L. Carmon and A. B. Tyre. On Temperance—Revs. J. P. Moore, E. C. Pigott, Marina Smith, Katie Fulford, John Gibbs, Hosea Davis, N. Hatch. On Ordination—Revs. W. H. A. Stallings, W. H. Pender, Wm. Anderson, R. R. Cartwright, T. T. Williams, S. L. Mann and J. H. Crow. On Petitionary Letters—Revs. N. H. Hargett, S. A. Tatem, W. E. Taylor, C. C. Cotton, Shade Health, A. F. Midgett and Roma Little. On Obituary—Revs. W. H. Pender, Robert Murray, H. Jenkins, E. S. Gibbs, J. A. Styles, B. R. Carr, Peter Bragg. On Education—Revs. Grant Moye, Hyman Gray, B. W. Best, J. L. Clark, E. M. Hardy, Melton Moore and J. W. Pasteur. The Vice-Moderator, Rev. M. Spruell, not being present, it was moved and seconded that Rev. Shade Barrow be made Vice-Moderator to act in Rev. Spruell's place. Rev. A. L. E. Weeks being present, the Moderator called Rev. Weeks to the floor. Rev. Weeks arose and delivered a powerful address to the association. Amount collected by delegates and ministers amounted to $16.50, The association then took recess. Benediction by Dr. Cartwright. FIRST DAY'S NIGHT SESSION Met at 7:30 with Rev. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Praise services were carried out in a spiritual manner. Bro. G. C. Moore prayed. “We are walking in the light of God” by Rev. S. L. Mann. Rev. R. Murray prayed. “There is peace down in my heart” was sung with deep spiritual feeling. The throne of grace was addressed by Rev. J. A. Styles. The Moderator arose and announced the association opened for business. He then announced the Welcome Address to be made by the pastor. Rev. Dr. Cartwright arose and in a most graceful manner extended a hearty welcome to the delegation at large. He gave them dominion over all of the churches in Stonewall and Bayboro. We welcome you because you are representing the highest institution the world affords, which is the Baptist Church and many other causes too numerous to mention. Responded to by Rev. Dr. A. L. E. Weeks. The hour for the Temperance Sermon having arrived, the Moderator arose and introduced Rev. N. H. Hargett to preach the Temperance Sermon. Rev. Hargett ascended the stand, text 1st Cor. 16th chapter, 17th verse, “Know ye not that you are the Temple of God. If any man destroy this temple, him will I destroy.” Rev. Hargett's sermon was powerfully delivered and wonderfully explained. He was complimented by all present. A collection was raised by Rev. A. L. E. Weeks amounting to $16.00. The association adjourned with benediction by Rev. Dr. R. R. Cartwright. SECOND DAY'S MORNING SESSION Convened at 10 o'clock with Moderator Dudley presiding. Devotional exercises conducted by Revs. E. S. Gibbs and J. P. Moore. First hymn No. 170. Reading the 10th chapter of Hebrews. Prayer by Rev. E. C. Pigott. The Moderator gave a lecture and declared the association open for business. Minutes of the afternoon and night sessions were read and approved. Roll was called and absentees checked. The Moderator then preceeded to appoint the remaining committees: On Grievances—Revs. I. S. Branch, P. B. Midgett, Bros. E. J. Lovick, S. E. Wright, R. F. Moore, Abram Hargett and W. H. Green. On Constitution—Revs. Grant Moye, J. R. Hill, M. F. Sawyer, W. H. Hardy, B. W. Williams, Britton Foscue, Larry Murphy and D. L. Reed. At this juncture, Prof. C. F. Groves, Principal of the Roanoke Institute being present was asked to talk for a few minutes. He spoke of the struggle which they were going through in the Institute and of the circumstances. The association then made a donation of $36.00 to the Institution. In returning thanks to the association Prof. Greaves donated $1.00 to the association. Prof. S. D. McRae, Gen. Mgr. of the King Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Edenton, was called upon, and in a most oratorical manner he said many things in a few minutes. Rev. Dr. D. L. Reed made the responding talk. Amount of collection $13.00, members and delegates total $38.10. SECOND DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION Association convened at 3:30 o'clock, devotional exercises were conducted in a general praise service. Bro. S. W. Sanders offered up the first petition, followed by Rev. I. S. Branch. More songs of praise were sung, after which the Moderator arose and made some remarks then declared the house in order for business. Roll was called and absentees checked. Minutes of the morning session read and approved. The Moderator made his Annual Report, and the same was received. The committee appointed to meet the Trustee Board of the Roanoke Institute in regard to consolidating the two schools, reported not favorable for consolidation. By a motion the same was received. Trustees made their report, the same was received and adopted. (See report). On motion that the Doctrinal Sermon take place in the afternoon instead of being preached at night. The Moderator then announced the Doctrinal Sermon in order, the same to be preached by Rev. Dr. D. L. Reed. Dr. Reed ascended the stand and took for his text John 3: 3, “Except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Subject, “Regeneration.” Dr. Reed's sermon was one that carried great power, he held his audience spellbound for one hour. He dwelt upon his subject regeneration. Rev. J. H. Crow arose and with his mellow voice sang “Hark the voice of Jesus crying.” After a collection the association adjourned with benediction by Rev. Dr. Cartwright. SECOND DAY'S NIGHT SESSION Met at 7:30 o'clock with Moderator Dudley presiding. General praise services conducted by Rev. S. L. Mann, after which the Moderator arose and gave a lecture and declared the meeting open for business. The roll was called and the minutes read and approved. The Missionary Sermon was in order, so the Moderator arose and introduced Rev. I. S. Branch to deliver the Missionary Sermon. Rev. Branch arose and lined hymn “I want to be thy child,” then selected for his text John 15: 15, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Rev. Branch preached a noble sermon. Followed by a hymn “It will be glory” by the Moderator. Collection raised by Bros. H. H. Pender and E. C. Pigott amounting to $15.54. THIRD DAY'S MORNING SESSION The association reconvened at 9 o'clock with Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding. After opening the Moderator announced that the services would now be turned over to the Woman's Auxiliary. Sister Edith Keys, President of the Woman's Auxiliary, arose and announced a sermon to be preached by Rev. S. L. Mann for the Auxiliary. Rev Mann arose and preached a powerful sermon. Collectien was taken to the amount of $15.00 for the Woman's Auxiliary. The Moderator then called the house to order and announced the services open for business. Roll was called and minutes read and approved. Moved and prevailed that the association enter into the election of officers. Moved by Bro. C. W. Williams that the Committee on Officers be suspended and the election be conducted by the house. Motion overruled. Committee on Ordination reported, report received. Committee on Officers made their report as follows:— Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator; Rev. Grant Moye, Vice-Moderator: S. F. Faison, Secretary; H. H. Pender, Assistant Secretary; W. F. Bell, Institute Treasurer; J. R. Hill, Association Treasurer. Executive Board:—Revs. Shade Barrow, E. S. Gibbs, Wm. Anderson, I. S. Branch, B. W. Best, H. Jenkins and W. H. Pender. The same was received and adopted. The reading of Church Letters was in order and fifteen church letters were read containing $180.94. There was no further business so association took recess. Benediction by Vice-Moderator, Rev. Shade Barrow. THIRD DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION Association called to order by Moderator Dudley. Devotional exercises conducted by Revs. J. H. Kornegay and J. L. Clark. Reading the 16th chapter of Acts by Rev. Clark. Prayer by Bro. J. H. Richardson. Second hymn No. 66 lined by Rev. Kornegay, after which the Moderator arose and announced the meeting ready for business. On motion the minutes of the morning session were read and approved. The Missionary Sisters reported as follows: Sister Marina Smith arose and represented the Home Mission Band of Star of Zion, inclosing $1.00 for school purposes, she also brings greetings from the Old Saints Home enclosing $1.50. The Field Missionary, Rev. Elijah James, reported that since he began his work this year he had not done very much on account of many obstacles in the way, but had managed to get together $18.00, and after the expenses were taken out left $8.00. Report was received and adopted. The Home Mission Band of St. Peter's sends greetings and $1.72. Sister Ida Jones, Prest., Annie Miller, Sec. The Home Missien Band of Pilgrim Chapel sends greetings and $5.00 to the association for educational purposes. Sister Francis Ormond, Prest., Sister A. R. Pender, Sec. The report of Rev. E. James was taken up and after careful consideration, it was moved and prevailed that the balance due on the report be donated him. The Constitution Committee made their report, see reports. Report overruled. A collection from the delegates and ministers was lifted amounting to $123.16. The association took a recess until 7:30 P. M. THIRD DAY'S NIGHT SESSION The association convened at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. S. L. Mann conducted a grand praise service for 30 minutes, after which the Moderator announced the association ready for business. Roll was called and minutes read and approved. The Moderator announced that the association would go into a business session after preaching. He then announced a sermon by Rev. J. A. Stiles. Rev. Stiles ascended the stand and sang “God is God which never changes.” Text, Luke 15:9, subject “Rejoice with me for I have found that which was lost.” Rev. Stiles delivered one of the greatest sermons full of thought and enthusiastic power. “It will be glory,” was sung by the President. A collection was lifted by Bro. Lewis Credle and Rev. John Mann amounting to $12.40. Then the Woman's Auxiliary made report as follows:—Circumstances over which we had no control caused us to fail somewhat this year, but under all difficulties we have brought to you $133.90. Sister Edith Keys, President; Sister Rebecca Whitehead, Sec'y; Sister Marina Smith, Treas. After discussion over the school affair it was moved and prevailed that Rev. Grant Moye be allowed three months board in the E. City School. By a motion the expenses of the association were paid. There was no further business so the association took a recess. Benediction by Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings. FOURTH DAY'S MORNING SESSION The association convened at 11 o'clock with Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator presiding. Rev. S. L. Mann conducted the devotional exercises. First hymn No. 480. Reading the 106th Psalm. Prayer by Rev. W. H. Hardy. Second hymn No. 161. After which the Moderator arose and announced the Educational Sermon in order. Said Rev. Dr. R. R. Cartwright had been appointed but owing to business engagement was compelled to leave Saturday night, but had arranged with Rev. Dr. D. L. Reed to fill his stand. He then introduced Dr. Reed to deliver the Educational Sermon. Dr. Reed ascended the stand, text, 2nd Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself a workman approved by God.” Dr. Reed displayed some of his oratorical power. The sermon was wonderful and eloquent, his discourse was plain and practical. “It will be glory” was sung by the Moderator. A collection was lifted by Moderator. The association took recess. Benediction by Moderator. FOURTH DAY'S AFTERNOON SESSION Convened at 2:30 with Moderator Dudley presiding. Devotional exercises were carried out by Rev. W. H. Pender. The Moderator after a few remarks turned the meeting over to the Eulogistic Committee. Rev. W. H. Pender arose and read the life of Rev. Dennis Dew, and also Sister Mary Hatch, a member of the Woman's Auxiliary of New Bern. Rev. H. Jenkins followed who preached the opening sermon, followed by Rev. Peter Bragg. Rev. Robert Murray said many words for the uplift of the Master's kingdom. Rev. John Mann then arose in behalf of Christ's kingdom among men. Services were closed with the last words from Rev. Carr. A collection of $11.25 was lifted. On account of a great rain storm on hand it was decided by the brethren to close out the association after interviewing the authorities. It was moved and carried that the New Bern Eastern M. B. Association would adjourn until October 1924, according to the constitution. On motion a vote of thanks was extended the people of Stonewall, Bayboro and surrounding neighborhood for their hospitality shown the delegates while in their towns during our four days stay. Thus ends the proceedings of the New Bern Erstern M. B. Association of New Bern, N. C. A. H. DUDLEY, Moderator.S. F. FAISON, Secretary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE We your Committee on Grievances beg to submit:—We have met and organized and there have been no grievances to come before us. Respectfully,Rev. I. S. Branch, Chmn.W. H. Green, Sec'y. TRUSTEES' REPORT We the Trustee Board beg to submit the following:—We held our first meeting at the School Building Nov. 15, 1922. Rev. T. T. Williams was elected Chairman, and Rev. N. H. Hargett, Secretary. The question of renting the school to the County. After discussion the Board decided to rent the school to the County for $100. Then a special committee to look out for the property as follows:—Rev. A. H. Dudley, S. F. Faison and H. H. Pender. The Board then allowed a young man and his family to move in the building to take care of it. They further took up the indebtedness of the Association Institute and found it to be $423. The money was allowed and the same has been paid, and the receipt is in the hands of the Institute Treasurer, W. F. Bell, and the mortgage is cancelled in the Register of Deeds office. The indebtedness of the Boord for all meetings now stands $30.50. Respectfully submitted,Rev. T. T. Williams, Chmn.Rev. N. H. Hargett, Sec'y RRPORT OF THE MISSIONARY I, your Missionary elected for this year, report the following:—I held my first meeting at Spring Garden, Bogue, N. C., amount raised $8.72, my expenses were $5.75, balance on hand $3.65. Second meeting held at Mt. Pilgrim, raised $8.32, my expenses were $6.00, balance on hand $3.17. My next meeting was held at Reelsboro, raised $7.25, expenses were $5.05, balance on hand $2.51. I am presenting to the association $8.33. Respectfully,Rev. Elijah James, Missionary. COMMITTEE ON OFFICERS We your Committee on Officers beg to submit the following:—We have nominated the following officers:—Rev. A. H. Dudley, Moderator; Rev. Grant Moye, Vice-Moderator; S. F. Faison, Secretary; H. H. Pender, Assistant Secretary; W. F Bell. Institute Treasurer; J. R. Hill, Association Treasurer. Rev. Shade Barrow, Chairman Executive Board, Revs. E. S. Gibbs, Tom Anderson, I. S. Branch, B. W. Best, H. Jenkins and W. H. Pender. Rev. E. C. Pigott, Association Missionary. COMMITTEE ON ORDINATION We your Committee on Ordination beg to submit the following:—We have carefully examined Bro. Thresser Johnson of Mt. Tabor Church, Beaufort, and out of 34 questions he answered 14, this being his first attempt we congratulated him and recommended him back for further studies to come before the Board Oct. 1924. Bro. T. E. Wright of Mt. Zion, Arapahoe, came before us and after careful examination given him, we find he is very bright on christianity, but not finished on the leading principals of the doctrine, therefore, we recommend him back for further studies. Your committee,Rev. Dr. W. H. A. Stallings, Chmn.Rev. W. H. Pender, Secretary. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE BOARD We your Executive Board beg to submit the following report:—That at the sitting of the next association the Introductory Sermon will be delivered by Rev. R. Murray, assisted by Rev. R. Gaskins; the Temperance Sermon by Rev. Wm. Anderson, assisted by Rev. N. A. Hargett; the Missionary Sermon by Rev. W. H. Pender, assisted by Rev. E. S. Gibbs; the Educational Sermon by Rev. Grant Moye, assisted by Rev. Dr. M. W. Wynn; the Doctrinal Sermon by Rev. S. L. Mann, assisted by Rev. T. M. Gaskill. Rev. Shade Barrow, Chmn.W. H. Pender, Sec'y. COMMITTEE ON PETITIONARY LETTERS We your Committee on Petitionary Letters beg to report as follows:—There has been no petitionary churches before us. Rev. N. H. Hargett, Chmn.Roma Little, Secretary. ROLL OF DELEGATES Who paid 50c. each LICENTIATE MINISTERS Paid $3.00 Each ORDAINED MINISTERS Paid $5.00 Each CONSTITUTION Of the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association Article 1. This Association shall be denominated and known as the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association. Officers to be elected on the last day of the session. Art. 2. The object of this Association shall be the promotion of Christ's Kingdom among men; and the means of accomplishing this shall be in strict conformity to the New Testament. Art. 3. This Association shall be composed of Ministers and Delegates chosen by the Churches connected with it, each Church being entitled to two Delegates. The Elders shall pay $5.00, Licentiates $3.00 and Delegates $1.00 when their names are enrolled, the money to be used for the benefit of the Institute only, and that any Delegate or Minister being absent when the roll is called they shall pay a fine of 10 cents, without a lawful excuse. There shall be twelve Trustees appointed who shall make their annual report of the financial condition of the Institute. Each Sabbath School will send a collection to the Association for the Institute. Art. 4. The Delegates from each Church shall bear a letter certifying to their appointment, and communicating information relative to the state of the Church. The Delegates from each Church shall bear a letter stating the condition of the Church, also number of members that have been ex-communicated, number that have been received by letter, number that have been baptized, number deceased, number dismissed by letter, number of males and number of female members, total number of membership and amount sent to the Association. The pastors and officers of each Church shall see that the proportions levied by the Association are collected and sent in to the Association annually for school purposes only. Art. 5. The officers of this Association shall be a Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary and Corresponding Secretary, Executive Board, Trustee Board, and Treasurer, who shall be annually chosen from among its members by ballot or acclamation, a majority of the members voting, and continue in office until their successors are elected. All officers of this Association shall be responsible to this Association for their conduct, and shall report annually to this body. The duty of all of the officers of the Association shall be prescribed by the Association in its Constitution. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to enforce an observance of the Constitution, preserve order, appoint committees, decide all questions of order, give his opinion on any question under discussion after others have spoken, and give the casting vote in case of a tie. He shall be ex-officio chairman of all the boards. The duty of the Moderator shall be performed by the Vice-Moderator in the absence of the Moderator. The Vice-Moderator shall assist the Moderator in presiding. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record the proceedings of each annual session, and to superintend the printing and distribution of the minutes, to receive and take account of all monies sent up by the Churches at the Association, turning over the same to the Treasurer. All monies received by the Secreetary shall be turned over to the Treasurer of that fund for which it is designated. He shall report to the Association at its annual session the business he transacted in the absence of the body. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds sent by the Churches or collected during the session of this body, and disburse the same as ordered by the Association. He shall also make to the association an annual report of the condition of the Treasury, and he shall give a bond of security of the same. Art. 9. This Association shall appoint an Executive Committee consisting of not less than seven or more than nine members; which committee shall have the superintendence of Association missions and colportage. They shall have power to disburse all sums paid by the Treasurer of the Association for the objects under their charge and during intervals between the meetings of this body to receive and disburse funds for those objects, and to take such steps for their advancement as they shall deem advisable, and shall make an annual report to the Association of their doing. They shall have power to take up all grievances of the Churches and pastors composing this Association, and call them to trial, and give them a fair and scriptural trial, and if they fail to hear the advice of the Executive Committee, then they shall pass their judgment upon them, or they may withdraw the right hand of fellowship from them, and refer their charge to the Association. The expenses of the Executive Committee in taking up grievances of the Churches and pastors shall be paid by the parties concerned as far as possible, and shall not be borne by the Association General Funds, unless in the opinion of the body, the matter was of general interest to the Association. Art. 10. This Association shall not maintain fellowship with any of her Churches which neglect to preserve Gospel order, and if any Church patronize with the said Churches that are out of Gospel order, this Association shall call them to trial, and if they fail to hear to the Association, this Association shall deal with them according to the 18th chapter of St. Matthew. Art. 11. This Association may invite visitors and corresponding brethren to seats, and extend to them all the privileges of the Association except that of voting. Art. 12. The annual session of this Association shall commence on Thursday before the 3rd Lord's day in October, at such place as may be chosen. Art. 13.—By appointment of this Association there shall be an Introductory Sermon, a Temperance Sermon, an Educational Sermon, a Doctrinal Sermon and a Missionary Sermon. The Introductory Sermon shall be preached the first day at 10:00 o'clock A. M., before organizing. Art. 14. This Association shall not fellowship any church or pastor that shall receive lawfully ex-communicated members from any Church of the same faith and order, and the pastor of said Church that compose this Association shall give a letter of dismission to any member of their Church or Churches, to unite with any other Church of the same faith or order. Art. 15. This Association shall endorse three modes of dismission. 1st, By Letter.—A member may receive a letter of commendation or dismission from the Church of which he or she is a member and with the same unite with any other Church of the same faith and order, and when so united he or she is no longer a member of the former church. 2nd, By Expulsion.—When the Church in the exercise of its lawful discipline withdraws the hand of fellowship from any one of its members, he or she is thenceforth no longer a member, and no Church or pastor of this Association shall receive them. 3rd, By Death—The death of a member, of course, dissolves their connection here on earth. Art. 16. This Association recommends to her Churches that the Churches this Association is composed of shall from this date henceforth not elect or ordain any brother to deaconship that cannot read the Scriptures distinctly. No Church and pastor shall license or ordain any brother for the Ministry of the Gospel except he read the Scriptures distinctly. Art. 17. The Woman's Association and the Woman's Old Aged Society, working under the auspices of this Association, Resolved that they be made a part of this Association. Art. 18. The Trustee Board shall have the power to enter into articles of agreement with any corporation, individuals or friends for the success of the Atlantic and North Carolina Institute, provided, however, they shall not deed away the property of the Association without the consent of the body. Art. 19. The Executive Committee shall have no power whatever of the Trustee Board, and shall not in any way interfere with it in the discharge of its duty, nor any other general officer of the Association. Art. 20. There shall be no money paid out by the Association and Institute Treasurers only by an order drawn by the Secretaries and signed by the Chairmen of each Board and then endorsed by the Moderator and Secretary of the Association. Art. 21. Any Church or Churches who have been granted a letter or letters or petition, to join another or organize another Association, and when that has been done, such a Church or Churches are entirely out from under the jurisdiction or watch care of this Association, and before they can have any voice in this Association again, they must bring a petition or letter of recommendation from the Association they joined to this Association to join as though they had never been members of this Association. Art. 22. That the incorporators herein named and their associates shall be and remain Trustees for the Institution, until their death, resignation, removal, or until their successors are elected. The incorporators shall be elected by the New Bern Eastern Missionary Baptist Association as follows:—One-third of the members of the Board for a term of two years, one-third of the members of the Board for a term of four years, and one-third of the members of the Board for a term of six years. The annual meeting of the Trustee Board shall be held after each annual sitting of the Association, and the Board shall not have power to change any restrictions put on the Institution by the Association. ORDER OF BUSINESS STATISTICAL TABLE "CHURCHES","CLERKS","DELEGATES","PASTORS","P. O. ADDRESS","Pastor's Salary","Church Extension","Baptized","Rec'd by Letter","Restored","Dis. by Letter","Excommunicated","Deceased","Male Members","Female Members","Total Members","Amount sent Association","Value Church Property","S. S. Scholars","S. S. Teachers","State Missions","Foreign Missions","Sun. Pas. Present","Money from S. S.","SUPTS." "First Baptist","R. H. Jones","L. Murphy","R. Gaskins","Maysville","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","15","20","35","$10 00","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","..." "Antioch","Nero Crooms","N. H. Hargett, Ned Jones","N. H. Hargett","Bachelor","125","53","6","...","...","...","...","1","18","24","42","11 00","1000","15","3","...","...","...","...","Mary Peed" "St. John","F. A. Carmer","D. B. Carmer","J. H. Crow","Washington","500","...","5","7","...","...","...","1","11","15","26","10 00","7000","50","2","...","...","...","...","Butler Jennett" "Bethel","Mrs R Whitehead","H. Hardy","S. Barrow","Riverdale","204","64","...","...","1","...","2","...","40","60","100","12 50","2500","60","4","...","...","12","...","J. T. Henderson" "Spring Garden","C. Rayner","H. A. Abney","E. James","Bogue","90","...","3","...","...","...","...","...","7","8","15","15 00","500","30","2","$ 10","$ 12","12","...","H. A. Abney" "Green's Chapel","W. A. Stewart","Jas. Carman","E. James","Reelsboro","72","...","...","...","...","...","...","...","5","11","16","10 00","500","37","3","...","14","12","...","James Curman" "Mt. Pilgrim","Obelia Joyner","E. James","Wm. Anderson","New port","110","...","9","...","...","...","...","...","12","14","26","13 00","900","45","3","10","10","12","...","A. Campbell" "St. Hooker","Matthew Moore","R. Little","E. S. Gibbs","Edwards","150","...","2","4","...","...","...","1","10","30","40","5 00","...","...","...","...","...","12","...","..." "Maple Grove","J. C. Hargrove","H. Gay","R. Murray","Blount's Creek","120","25","...","5","...","...","3","1","21","48","69","17 75","1000","20","3","...","...","12","...","M. Gay" "Pilgrim Chapel","J. F. Sanders","A. Hargett","H. C. Hill","Oriental","329","...","4","2","...","...","5","1","32","56","88","20 09","3000","50","3","...","...","20","...","Marshall Keys" "Bethel","C. C. Green","N. Hatch, Wm. Slade","S. L. 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